TensorFlow Tensors(What are Tensors: Understanding the Basics, Creating, and Working with Tensors)

TensorFlow Tensors(What are Tensors: Understanding the Basics, Creating, and Working with Tensors)

First off: If you are familiar with NumPy arrays, understanding TensorFlow Tensors will be as easy as first importing TensorFlow as below:

import tensorflow as tf

print(tf.__version__) # check version

# 2.14.0
The examples in this article use TensorFlow v2.x, so concepts deprecated and or that were designed for TensorFlow v1.x are not covered (For example, tf.placeholder is unnecessary in TF2 since eager execution is enabled by default).

But what is TensorFlow?

TensorFlow is an open-source machine-learning platform designed to facilitate the development and deployment of machine-learning models, especially in deep learning. Mainly, its name is derived from one of its core frameworks:Ā Tensors.

In TensorFlow, all the computations involve Tensors. That makes working with Tensors a must-knowledge before your next venture into building deep machine-learning models. This article is dedicated to exploring Tensors, and by the end of it, we aim to make you ready to work with them.

What is a Tensor?

Tensors are multidimensional arrays with a uniform type(see supported types/dtypes). They form the fundamental building block for data representation and manipulation of TensorFlow. Tensors can be scalars, vectors, matrices, or higher dimensional arrays, which hold numerical data necessary for representing input data, model parameters, and output predictions in TensorFlow-based machine learning models.

Tensors resemble NumPy arrays. However, Tensors are immutable, which means that once we have created a Tensor, we can not modify or change it. This feature ensures consistency and avoids unintended side effects during the construction and execution of machine-learning models.

How to create tensors(Functions to create various Tensor objects)

TensorFlow offers us several functions and methods for creating tensors. Most of the tensors we will create are also called Dense tensors since they have fixed shapes along all dimensions. We will also look at special types of tensors,.

We will look at:

  • tf.constant
  • tf.Variable
  • tf.zeros and tf.ones
  • Creating tensors from NumPy arrays(tf.convert_to_tensor)
  • Functions to create random tensors
  • Ragged(tf.ragged.constant) and Sparse(tf.SparseTensor) tensors(special tensors)

How to create tensors with custom values with tf.constant()

tf.constant() is TensorFlow's most basic method for creating tensors. This function is vital as it allows us to create tensors with constant values. Tensors created with this function are immutable.

Before exploring other functions, we will use this function to explain most tensor concepts like ranks, shape, and dtypes.

tf.constant(value, dtype=None, shape=None, name='Const')

value:  A constant value or list of n dimensions to define the tensor
dtype:  The type of the elements in the output tensor: Optional: Inferred 
        from the value if not specified
shape:  The intended dimensions of the resulting tensor: Optional: If 
        specified, the value is reshaped to match
name:   Name of the tensor: Optional

Example 1:

rank_0_tensor = tf.constant(4)



Notice that we named the example tensor above "rank_0_tensor". That means the resulting tensor is a scalar with a single value and zero dimensions. We can check the number of dimensions with the Tensor.ndim attribute.

print(f"rank_0_tensor has {rank_0_tensor.ndim} dimensions")


We can create tensors of n-dimensions. A vector, for instance, will have 1 dimension (rank 1 tensor), a matrix will have 2 dimensions(rank 2 tensor), while a higher dimensional tensor will have n-dimensions(rank n tensor).

Example 2: Creating a rank 1 tensor(vector) - A list of values:

rank_1_tensor = tf.constant([20, 100])
print(f"\nTensor rank: {tf.rank(rank_1_tensor)}")
print(f"rank_1_tensor has {rank_1_tensor.ndim} dimension")


Example 3: Creating a rank 2 tensor(matrix) - A list of lists:

rank_2_tensor = tf.constant([[20, 10],
                             [15, 30],
                             [45, 35]])
print(f"\nTensor rank: {tf.rank(rank_2_tensor)}")
print(f"rank_2_tensor has {rank_2_tensor.ndim} dimensions")


rank 2 tensor(3 rows, 2 columns): Image by author

Example 4: Creating a rank 3 tensor(n-dimensional):

rank_3_tensor = tf.constant([
  [[0, 1, 2],
   [3, 4, 5]],
  [[6, 7, 8],
   [9, 10, 11]],
  [[12, 13, 14],
   [15, 16, 17]],])

print(f"\nTensor rank: {tf.rank(rank_3_tensor)}")
print(f"rank_3_tensor has {rank_3_tensor.ndim} dimensions")


rank 3 tensor(3 blocks, 2 rows per block, 3 columns per each block and row): Image by author

Aside from the rank and the dimensions, tensors have two other very important attributes: shape and dtype.

  • shape: returns the size of the tensor along each of its axes or dimensions.
  • dtype: returns the type of all the elements in the tensor.

Tensor shape

As you may have noticed, when we print a tensor, the result returns its value, shape, and dtype. For instance, looking at the rank_3_tensor, the result is represented as below:

Image by author

Sometimes, we may want to know or retrieve a tensor's shape after computation for operations like:

  • Reshaping
  • Slicing and indexing
  • Model debugging

We can retrieve the shape using tf.shape function :

# retrieve the shape of a tensor
print(f"Rank 0 tensor shape: {tf.shape(rank_0_tensor)}")
print(f"Rank 1 tensor shape: {tf.shape(rank_1_tensor)}")
print(f"Rank 2 tensor shape: {tf.shape(rank_2_tensor)}")
print(f"Rank 3 tensor shape: {tf.shape(rank_3_tensor)}")


We can also check the shape with Tensor.shape. However, this does not return a tensor.


# (3, 2)

Returning a tensor shape as a tensor may have the following benefits:

  • When performing operations based on the shape of a tensor, having the shape as a tensor allows us to use it in computations.
  • We can dynamically reshape a tensor's shape.
  • We can query and validate the shape of the output when creating functions or layers that operate on tensors.

Tensor dtype

A tensor can have any dtype(data type) listed on tf. dtypes. However, remember a tensor must have a specific data type, and all elements within that tensor must conform to that data type. Therefore, a single tensor cannot have two different data types. For instance, we cannot create a tensor with integer and floating-point elements. If you need to work with different data types, you would typically create separate tensors for each type.

We can specify the tensor dtype while creating it:

# Float tensor
float32_tensor = tf.constant([20.5, 30.0, 4.3], dtype='float32')
# Integer tensor
int64_tensor = tf.constant([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], dtype='int64')
# String tensor
string_tensor = tf.constant(["TensorFlow", "tensors", "dtypes"])



Aside: The b'...' notation on string tensors indicates that they are byte strings. As you will also learn later, especially when dealing with Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks, string tensors can have elements of variable lengths, unlike numeric tensors.

While we can not have tensors with elements of different types, TensorFlow provides tf.cast that we can convert tensors between various datatypes:

float32_tensor_as_int32_tensor = tf.cast(float32_tensor, dtype='int32')
int64_tensor_as_float16_tensor = tf.cast(int64_tensor, dtype='float16')



How to initialize tensors with specific values(tf.zeros and tf.ones)

tf.zeros and tf.ones are commonly used in deep learning(especially when building neural network models) to initialize certain tensors to specific values. By default, a tensor initialized with tf.zeros will contain only zeros, while that initialized with tf.ones will have only ones.

Both functions are initialized with the format below:

shape: a list or tuple of integers or a 1D tensor
dtype: dtype of the elements

Initializing a tensor with ones

# Intiailize tensors with ones
ones_tensor1 = tf.ones(shape=(2), dtype='float32') # rank 1 tensor of ones
ones_tensor2 = tf.ones(shape=[2, 3], dtype='int32') # rank 2 tensor of ones

tensor_1d = tf.constant(value = [1, 2])
ones_tensor3 = tf.ones(shape=tensor_1d) # takes shape as the value of the 1d tensor
print(ones_tensor3) # 1 row and two columns


Initializing a tensor with ones

# Intiailize tensors with zeors
zeros_tensor1 = tf.zeros(shape=(3), dtype='float32') # rank 1 tensor of zeros
zeros_tensor2 = tf.zeros(shape=[2, 3, 3], dtype='int32') # rank 3 tensor of zeros

tensor_1d = tf.constant(value = [3, 2])
zeros_tensor3 = tf.zeros(shape=tensor_1d) # takes shape as the value of the 1d tensor
print(zeros_tensor3) # 3 rows and 2 columns


When building a model with TensorFlow, tf.zeros and tf.ones can come in handy, for instance, when initializing a model's weights, biases, variables(with tf.Variable), or other parameters. For example, we can build a sample model where we initialize the weights and biases with tf.zeros to give you a taste of building a model:

Do not worry if you do not understand some of the things below. This intends to break the monotony so far and excite you for the future.

Example use case of using tf.zeros to initialize weights and biases

import numpy as np

# Dummy data for training
x_train = np.random.random((100, 10))  # 100 samples with 10 features each
y_train = np.random.randint(2, size=(100,))  # Integer labels

# Define the model
class SimpleModel(tf.keras.Model):
    def __init__(self, input_size, hidden_size, output_size):
        super(SimpleModel, self).__init__()

        # Initialize weights and biases with tf.zeros
        self.weights_hidden = tf.Variable(
        self.biases_hidden = tf.Variable(

        self.weights_output = tf.Variable(
        self.biases_output = tf.Variable(

    def call(self, inputs):
        # Forward pass
        hidden_layer = tf.matmul(inputs, 
                                 self.weights_hidden) + self.biases_hidden
        output_layer = tf.matmul(hidden_layer, 
                                 self.weights_output) + self.biases_output
        return output_layer

# Instantiate the model
input_size = 10
hidden_size = 5
output_size = 2
model_zeros = SimpleModel(input_size, hidden_size, output_size)

# Compile the model

# Train the model
model_zeros.fit(x_train, y_train, epochs=10, batch_size=32)

# Evaluate the model
loss, accuracy = model_zeros.evaluate(x_train, y_train)
print(f"Final Training Loss: {loss:.4f}, Accuracy: {accuracy:.4f}")


As much as the model may work when the weights are initialized with tf.zeros and tf.ones, it is not the best practice for most deep-learning models. This is because if all the weights are initialized to the same value, each neuron in the layer will learn the same features, and the model won't effectively capture the complexity of the data. However, biases may be initialized that way since they do not suffer from the symmetry issue like weights.
Instead, we can randomly initialize weights or use higher-level APIs, such as tf.keras.layers.Dense, that comes withĀ built-in weight initializers like Glorot initialization.

I hope you liked the small exercise. Just take that lightly for now, at least!

Creating TensorFlow variables(mutable tensors) with tf.Variable()

So far, we have explored how to create tensors with tf.constant function. However, we mentioned that tensors created that way are immutable - that is, we can not modify their elements. To prove this point, let's see some examples below:

Suppose we had the tensor:

# tensor with tf.constant()
immutable_tensor = tf.constant([20, 30, 40]) # vector


Let's try to modify the first element of the vector through indexing and assignment like we would do on NumPy arrays:

# Try to change the first element

immutable_tensor[0] = 100 # index first element(20) and assign new value


We can not modify elements of a tf.constant tensor once created.Ā That could be a challenge when creating models like neural networks where trainable parameters like weights and biases must be adjustable during the training process(optimization process). That's where TensorFlow variables come in handy!

TensorFlow variablesĀ - mutable tensors, are recommended to represent shared, persistent states your program manipulates(as defined here). They are created using tf.Variable class. The class has some of the following use cases when building machine learning models:

  • Creating trainable parameters like weights and biases. As evident in this example above:
self.weights_hidden = tf.Variable(
self.biases_hidden = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(shape=(hidden_size,)))
  • Allow us to specify initial values like random initialization or zero initialization. Also evident in the example above.
  • Useful in theĀ automatic differentiation systemĀ of TensorFlow.
  • Variables can be shared between different parts of a model or even between other models, enabling the reuse of learned representations.

Let's create our first variable: TheĀ Variable()Ā constructor requires an initial value that can be a tensor of any type and shape. This initial value defines the type and shape of the variable. After construction, the type and shape of the variable are fixed.

example_variable = tf.Variable([[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0]])
print(f"Shape: {tf.shape(example_variable)}")
print(f"Rank: {tf.rank(example_variable)}")


Variables can hold any type, just like tensors:

bool_variable = tf.Variable([False, True, True, False, False])
int32_variable = tf.Variable([20, 40, 15], dtype='int32')



How to modify TensorFlow variables using assign methods

We can mutate a variable tensor using the assign method.

Using assign() to reassign a tensor to a variable tensor

Since tensors back variables, we can modify or re-assign a tensor to an existing variable usingĀ tf.Variable.assign. We call the assign method on the variable and allocate a new tensor.

int32_variable = tf.Variable([20, 40, 15], dtype='int32')
print(f"Old variable: {int32_variable.numpy()}")

# modify the variable elements
int32_variable = int32_variable.assign([12, 15, 18])
print(f"Mod variable: {int32_variable.numpy()}")


We can not assign a tensor with a different shape from the existing variable!

Updating variable value with assign.add() method (Counter/incrementing):

We can add a specific value to the current value of an existing variable(increment) with tf.Variable.assign_add. The method is particularly useful for implementing counters or variables that need to be incremented during the execution, for instance, counting training steps(As we shall see later).

example_variable1 = tf.Variable(10)
example_variable2 = tf.Variable([10,30])
print(f"Current variable1 value: {example_variable1.numpy()}")
print(f"Current variable2 values: {example_variable2.numpy()}")

# increment values in the variables
example_variable1 = example_variable1.assign_add(5) # add 5 to current value
example_variable2 = example_variable2.assign_add([200, 100]) # add 200 & 100 to current values

print(f"Updated variable1 value: {example_variable1.numpy()}")
print(f"Updated variable2 values: {example_variable2.numpy()}")


The shapes of the variable tensors must match for that to work!

You notice that we mentioned that one of the major use cases of variables is to store trainable parameters. They can also hold gradients computed duringĀ backpropagationĀ on a neural network model. However, not all model variables(for instance, counters or constant values) need to be trainable or have gradients. They can be part of the model but don't need to be updated through optimization.

We can specify whether or not a variable needs updating during the training process or its gradients computed during backpropagation by setting trainable=False on the variable. For instance:

# set a non-trainable variable to count training steps
train_step = tf.Variable(initial_value=0, trainable=False)

From the code above, we could use the untrainable train step counter in a loop as below. Don't be intimidated by what you see. This will all make sense as you advance:

# set a non-trainable variable to count training steps
train_step = tf.Variable(initial_value=0, trainable=False)


# Example training loop
for epoch in range(5):  # Run for 5 epochs
    for step in range(len(x_train)):
        # Forward pass
        with tf.GradientTape() as tape:

        # Perform backward pass and optimization here

        # Update the train step variable here

    print(f"Epoch {epoch + 1}, train step: {train_step.numpy()}")

# Show the final training step value
print("Final Global Step:", train_step.numpy())


Fake training process: Variable tracking of the training steps

You see, the train_step variable is incremented at each training step. Since we have set trainable = False to it, it will not affect any model's weights or gradients.

Creating tensors from NumPy Arrays

We can easily create tensors fromĀ NumPy arrays using tf.convert_to_tensor or calling tf.constant on the particular NumPy array. Let's see how:

np_array = np.arange(0, 12).reshape(3, 4)
print(np_array, type(np_array))

# convert to tensor
np_array_to_tensor = tf.convert_to_tensor(np_array)

# Alternatively, we can call tf.constant on the array
np_array_to_tensor = tf.constant(np_array, dtype='float32')


TensorFlow tensors and NumPy arrays have several similarities. However, NumPy arrays primarily run on CPUs, while tensors take advantage of hardware accelerations like GPUs and TPUs. That makes tensors faster in certain computations.

TensorFlow also has graph execution mode, which constructs a computational graph for optimization, resulting in speedier execution for certain tensor operations.

Creating random tensors

There are various ways of generating random tensors. We will explore the following ways:

  • tf.random.normal
  • tf.random.uniform
  • tf.random.shuffle
  • tf.random.set_seed

How to create a random tensor with tf.random.normal

tf.random.normal creates tensors with random values from a normal(Gaussian) distribution. A normal distribution depicts two parameters: a mean and a standard deviation. That means we can set the two parameters for the random tensor.

The syntax:

mean: optional and default is 0
stddev: Standard deviation - optional and default is 1


# generate a 3x2 tensor containing random values
# sampled from a normal distribution with a mean of 0.0 
# and a standard deviation of 1.0
random_normal_tensor = tf.random.normal(shape=(3, 2), 
                                        mean=0, stddev=1.0, 


Note that your result will differ every time you run the above code. In the next section, we will learn how to produce the same random tensor each time(random seed).

How to create a random tensor with tf.random.uniform

The tf.random.uniform function creates tensors with random values from a uniform distribution. A normal distribution is a probability distribution where all values in the range have an equal probability of being sampled. That means that every value in the specified interval has the same likelihood of being chosen. So, we can generate a random tensor with a set range(min_value, max_value).

The syntax:

minval: optional, and default is 0. The minimum value of the distribution.
maxval: Optional, and default is 1 - The maximum value of the distribution.


# generate a 2x3x2 tensor containing random values
# sampled from a uniform distribution with a min_value of 0.0 
# and a max_value of 1.5
random_uniform_tensor = tf.random.uniform(shape=[2, 3, 2],


Note that your result will differ every time you run the above code. In the next section, we will learn how to produce the same random tensor each time(random seed).

How to shuffle tensor with tf.random.shuffle

It is a common practice in machine learning to shuffle data, especially while training a model, to ensure randomness in the data. The data could be presented as tensors, and thus, TensorFlow has a function to help in the shuffling.

The tf.random.shuffle function in TensorFlow is used to randomly shuffle the elements along the first dimension of a tensor. For a 2D or rank 2 tensor, this means shuffling the rows.


intial_tensor_data = tf.constant([[10, 15], [20, 30], [40, 50]])

# shuffle the elements
shuffled_intial_tensor_data = tf.random.shuffle(intial_tensor_data)


Shuffled rows of a 2D tensor

Note that your shuffle result will differ every time you run the above code. In the next section, we will learn how to produce the same random tensor each time(random seed).

As you advance, you may encounter shuffling tensors in some use cases like:

  • Data augmentation in image classification tasks to increase the diversity/randomness of the training dataset.
  • In cross-validation, before splitting the data into folds.
  • In Natural Language Processing.

How to set random seed while generating random tensors for tensor reproducibility

In the examples above, we have noticed that the codes we have written generate new random tensor elements each we run them. While building models, we must have consistent results where the same sequence of random numbers is generated each time we run the model.

Tensor reproducibility can come in handy in cases like when initializing weights, shuffling datasets, or in cases of data augmentation and other tasks that require randomized tensors.

TensorFlow has two ways we can set the random seed for random tensor generation:

  • Global-level random seed setting
  • Operation-level random seed setting

Global-level random seeds

We set the global seeds with tf.random.set_seed(seed=integer_value). A global seed is shared for all TensorFlow operations in the script, which means that any random operation will be affected by it. Typically, we set the global seed at the beginning of your script or notebook.


# set the global random seed

random_tensor = tf.random.uniform(shape=[1, 3, 2])



Notice that the same tensor elements are reproduced each time you run the code. If you try to generate the same random tensor with the same random seed with the same seed value(42) on another notebook cell, the result is similar.

However, the results will differ if you change the seed value to another integer value(say 123). For example:

# set a different global random seed value
random_tensor = tf.random.uniform(shape=[1, 3, 2])



But how do we choose the integer seed value to use? Seeds are arbitrary values, and it does not matter what value you use as a seed. The point is to use the same seed to get the same random elements in the same random tensor.

Operational-level random seeds(More flexible)

Operational-level random seeds are currently the most recommended way to ensure the reproducibility of random tensors. We set the seed with tf.random.Generator class.

Each random tensor generated with this class has its own random seed, thus unique randomness. This can be helpful when we want different parts of the code to have independent random sequences.


# Create two instances of tf.random.Generator 
# with different seeds
random_generator1 = tf.random.Generator.from_seed(42)
random_generator2 = tf.random.Generator.from_seed(123)

# use the generators for random tensor generation
random_tensor1 = random_generator1.normal(shape=[4, 2])
random_tensor2 = random_generator1.uniform(shape=[1, 3, 3])



āœļø You can try shuffling a tensor with tf.shuffle while the random seed is set and observe the behavior!

Special types of tensors

These tensors are different from the dense tensors with special characteristics and are viable for specific use cases in deep learning. We will look at two of these tensors:

  • Ragged tensors
  • Sparse tensors

Ragged tensors

A ragged tensor is mainly used to represent sequences of variable lengths. While dense tensors have dimensions of fixed sizes(or uniform), dimensions in ragged tensors vary in size(not uniform). They can be helpful in tasks like NLP, where sentences are sequences with different numbers of words.

A ragged tensor would be represented like:

Ragged tensor example: Image by author

We create a ragged tensor using tf.ragged.constant:

# sample array of varying dimension sizes
ragged_array = [
    [1.5, 3.0, 2.3],
    [4.5, 0.5],

# we can not convert it to a dense tensor
  tensor = tf.constant(ragged_array)
except Exception as e:
  print(f"{type(e).__name__}: {e}")

# instead we can convert it to a ragged tensor
ragged_tensor = tf.ragged.constant(ragged_array)
print("\nConverted to ragged tensor:")


You notice that the ragged tensor is not presented like normal tensors. Instead, it is encoded such that its variable-length rows are concatenated into a flattened list. The flattened list has row partitions that indicate the row divisions:

Ragged tensor encoding: Image by author

That encoding gives us more ways in which we can construct ragged tensors. We can pair flatĀ valueĀ tensors withĀ row-partitioningĀ tensors, indicating how those values should be divided into rows. We can use the following methods:

Constructing a ragged tensor using value_rowids partitioning tensor

You can create a tensor if you know which row each value belongs to. Creating a tensor this way is handy when you have a set of values and a corresponding row assignment for each value and you want to create a ragged tensor where each row represents a group of values assigned to the same row.

It is also an efficient way of storing ragged tensors with many empty rows since the size of the tensor depends only on the total number of values.


# tf.RaggedTensor.from_value_rowids

values = tf.constant([20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70]) # must be a vector
row_ids = tf.constant([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2]) # integer vector specifying the 
                                          # row index for each value

ragged_tensor = tf.RaggedTensor.from_value_rowids(values = values, 
                                                  value_rowids = row_ids)
print("Values:" ,values.numpy())
print("Row ids:" ,row_ids.numpy())
print("Ragged tensor from value_row_ids:\n" , ragged_tensor)


Ragged tensor from value_rowids
Ragged tensor using value_rowids: Image by author

Constructing a ragged tensor using row_lengths partitioning tensor

You can create a tensor if you know how long each row is. Creating a tensor this way is handy when concatenating ragged tensors since row lengths do not change when two tensors are concatenated together.


# tf.RaggedTensor.from_row_lengths
values = tf.constant([20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70]) # must be a vector
row_lengths = tf.constant([3, 2, 1]) # integer vector specifying the length of each row

# ragged tensor
ragged_tensor2 = tf.RaggedTensor.from_row_lengths(values = values, 
                                                  row_lengths = row_lengths)
print("Values:" ,values.numpy())
print("Row lengths:" ,row_lengths.numpy())
print("Ragged tensor from row lengths:\n" , ragged_tensor2)


Ragged tensor using row_lengths
Ragged tensor using row_lengths: Image by author

Constructing a ragged tensor using row_splits partitioning tensor

You can create a tensor if you know the index where each row starts and ends. The row_splits enable quick indexing and slicing into ragged tensors since TensorFlow can quickly determine each row's starting and ending indices.


# tf.RaggedTensor.from_row_splits
values = tf.constant([20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70]) # must be a vector
row_splits = tf.constant([0, 3, 5, 6]) # integer vector specifying 
                                       # the split points between rows

ragged_tensor3 = tf.RaggedTensor.from_row_splits(values = values, 
                                                  row_splits = row_splits)

print("Values:" ,values.numpy())
print("Row splits:" ,row_lengths.numpy())
print("Ragged tensor from row_splits:\n" , ragged_tensor3)


Ragged tensor using row_splits
Ragged tensor using row_splits: Image by author

The dimensions and shape of a ragged tensor

The outermost dimension of a ragged tensor is always uniform(it has the same length) since it consists of a single slice(ragged_tensor3.shape[0]). The remaining dimensions can be ragged or uniform.

We can view the shape of a tensor with the shape method:

# shape of the ragged_tensor3 above

# the outer dimension is ragged_tensor3.shape[0] 

# Returns
# (3, None)

The above code gives the static shape of the ragged tensor. The outer dimension is indicated by 3, representing the total number of rows. The ragged dimension is always represented by None, which indicates the rows have varying lengths.

Viewing the dynamic shape with tf.shape gives more details about the lengths of the ragged tensor dimensions:

# dynamic shape of the ragged_tensor3 above

# Returns
# <DynamicRaggedShape lengths=[3, (3, 2, 1)] num_row_partitions=1>

The results show that the ragged tensor has 3 rows with lengths 3, 2, and 1.

How do we describe the shape of a ragged tensor?Ā For instance, for a ragged tensor that will store the word embeddings for each word in a batch of sentences?

When describing a ragged tensor, we enclose the ragged dimensions in parenthesis. For example, we can write [num_sentences, (num_words), embedding_size]. That conveys that the size of those dimensions can vary across different rows.

Sparse tensors

Sparse tensors are tensors that contain a lot of zero values. When you have tensors with many zero values, storing them in a sparse tensor improves space and time on computations. These tensors are common in areas like NLP for data preprocessing and computer vision.

We construct a sparse tensor by supplying the following components to tf.sparse.SparseTensor:

  • indices: A 2-D int64 tensor of shapeĀ [N, rank](number of values, number of dimensions) which specifies the indices of the elements in the sparse tensor that contain nonzero values.
  • values: A 1-D tensor of any type and shape[N]with all the nonzero values of the tensor.
  • dense_shape: A 1-D int64 tensor of shape[rank], specifying the dense shape of the sparse tensor.


# indices of non-zero values
indices = tf.constant([[0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 0]], dtype=tf.int64) 
# the nonzero values in the tensor
values = tf.constant([15, 25, 35], dtype=tf.float32) 
# define the tensor's shape
shape = tf.constant([4,3], dtype=tf.int64) 

sparse_tensor = tf.sparse.SparseTensor(indices = indices, 
                                       values = values, 
                                       dense_shape= shape)

Printing the result will return the components: Visualize below.

The sparse tensor has 4 rows and 3 columns (shape [4, 3]). We can then visualize the tensor represented by this sparse tensor by converting the sparse tensor to a dense tensor with tf.sparse.to_dense:

# convert sparse tensor to dense tensor
sparse_to_dense_tensor = tf.sparse.to_dense(sparse_tensor)

''' Results
[[ 0. 15.  0.]
 [ 0.  0. 25.]
 [35.  0.  0.]
 [ 0.  0.  0.]], shape=(4, 3), dtype=float32)
Tensor represented by the Sparse tensor: Imag by author

āœļø To convert the dense tensor back to sparse, use tf.sparse.from_dense.

Indexing and slicing tensors

Indexing tensors follows the basic Python and NumPy indexing rules, which include:

  • Indexes start atĀ 0
  • Negative indices count backward from the end.
  • Colons,Ā :, are used for slices:Ā start:stop:step

Example single index indexing and slicing:

tensor = tf.constant([20, 30, 40, 50, 15, 45, 100, 120])
print(f"Tensor: {tensor.numpy()}")

# return everything
print(f"Return everything: {tensor[:]}")
print(f"First 3 elements: {tensor[:3]}")
print(f"All elements after first 3 elements: {tensor[3:]}")
print(f"Every other item: {tensor[::2]}")
print(f"Elements between fourth and before 7th element: {tensor[3:6]}")
print(f"Reversing: {tensor[::-1]}")


Indexing and slicing tensor

We index higher dimensional tensors by passing multiple indices.

rank_2tensor = tf.constant([[20, 30, 40], [50, 15, 45], [100, 120, 150]])

print(f"Second row:, {rank_2tensor[1, :].numpy()}")
print(f"Second column:, {rank_2tensor[:, 1].numpy()}")
print(f"Last row:, {rank_2tensor[-1, :].numpy()}")
print(f"First item in last column:, {rank_2tensor[0, -1].numpy()}")
print(f"Second row onwards:\n {rank_2tensor[1:, :].numpy()}")


Slicing tensor with tf.slice:

tf.slice takes begin and size parameters. begin specifies the start index for the slicing, while thesizespecifies the number of elements to slice.

Example slicing rank 1 tensor:

tensor = tf.constant([20, 30, 40, 50, 15, 25, 60])

# slice with tf.slice
begin = [2] # begin at index 2
size = [3] # number of elements to slice starting from begin index
t_slice = tf.slice(tensor, begin = begin, size=size)
print(f"\nSlice: {t_slice.numpy()}") # similar to tensor[2:5]



Example 2 slicing rank 3 tensor:

r3_tensor = tf.constant([
    [[20, 30, 40, 15],
     [50, 15, 25, 60]],
    [[5, 16, 21, 17],
     [9, 11, 35, 13]]])

r3_slice = tf.slice(r3_tensor, begin=[1, 1, 1], size=[1, 1, 2])
print(f"Tensor: {r3_tensor.numpy()}")
print(f"\nr3_slice: {r3_slice.numpy()}")

 [[[20 30 40 15]
  [50 15 25 60]]

 [[ 5 16 21 17]
  [ 9 11 35 13]]]

r3_slice: [[[11 35]]]

Slicing tensor with tf.gather :

tf.gather extracts specific indices from a single axis/dimension of a tensor. The indices must be an integer tensor of any dimension but primarily 1D.

Example 1. Gather elements from rank 1 tensor:

print(f"r1_tTensor: {tensor.numpy()}")
print(f"Gathered: {tf.gather(tensor, indices=[1, 5])}") # take index 1 and 5

r1_tTensor: [20 30 40 50 15 25 60]
Gathered: [30 25]

Example 2. Using batch_dims:

tensor_2d = tf.constant([
    [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
    [6, 7, 8, 9, 10],
    [11, 12, 13, 14, 15]])
indices = tf.constant([
    [2, 4],
    [0, 4],
    [1, 3]])
print(tf.gather(tensor_2d, indices=indices, batch_dims=1, axis=1).numpy())


batch_dims helps gather different items from each batch element along a specified axis by looping over the first axis of the tensor and the indices.

Note that ragged tensors can also be indexed. However, we cannot index on the ragged dimensions since a value may exist in some rows but not in others.

Operations for shaping and manipulating tensors

Tensors need to meet specific requirements for various machine-learning models. Knowing how to manipulate them to a particular structure or shape ensures we can handle diverse data formats and ensure their compatibility throughout the model development process. In this section, we will look at the following operations for reshaping and manipulating tensors:

  • Reshaping tf.reshape
  • Swapping dimensions tf.transpose
  • Reducing dimensionstf.squeeze
  • Expanding dimensions tf.expand_dims
  • Joining tensors tf.concat

How to reshape tensors with tf.reshape

Reshaping tensors is a critical concept employed in the preprocessing of data or in situations where the shape of a tensor needs to be adjusted to meet the requirements of a particular operation or model( for instance, in preparing the input data for a neural network model.

tf.reshape enables us to reshape a tensor without altering its data. It does not change the order or total number of elements in the tensor.

Example 1:

tensor = tf.constant([[1, 2, 3, 4],
                      [5, 6, 7, 8]])
print(f"Tensor:\n{tensor.numpy()} \nOld shape: {tensor.shape}")

# reshape
tensor = tf.reshape(tensor, [2, 2, 2])
print(f"Reshaped:\n{tensor.numpy()} \nNew shape: {tensor.shape}")


Reshaping tensor

Example 2:

var_tensor = tf.Variable([[[1, 2, 3, 4],
                        [5, 6, 7, 8]],
                       [[9, 10, 11, 12],
                        [13, 14, 15, 16]]])
print(f"Tensor:\n{var_tensor.numpy()} \nOld shape: {var_tensor.shape}")

# reshape
var_tensor = tf.reshape(var_tensor, [4, 4])
print(f"Reshaped:\n{var_tensor.numpy()} \nNew shape: {var_tensor.shape}")


Reshaping variable tensor
Note that we can not reshape the tensor beyond its total number of elements. For instance, if a tensor is 3x2(6 elements), we can not reshape it to 4x2( 8 elements).

We can flatten a tensor(rank 1/1D) by specifying -1 as the shape.

# flatten the variable tensor

var_tensor = tf.reshape(var_tensor, [-1])
print(f"Flattened:\n{var_tensor.numpy()} \nNew shape: {var_tensor.shape}")


Flattening tensor

How to reshape tensors with tf.transpose

Transposing a tensor means switching its rows and columns. For instance, in a rank 2 tensor, that means swapping its rows and columns. We achieve this using tf.transpose.

Example 1:

var_tensor = tf.reshape(var_tensor, [2, 2, 4])
print(f"Tensor:\n{var_tensor.numpy()} shape before: {tf.shape(var_tensor)}")

# transpose
var_tensor = tf.transpose(var_tensor) # row => columns, columns => rows
      shape after: {tf.shape(var_tensor)}")


Transposing tensors

Notice that the rows become the columns and vice versa.

How to squeeze tensors(removing dimensions of size 1) with tf.squeeze

In certain cases where we have tensors with singleton dimensions, for instance, batches of size one, we may want to remove them to have a more concise representation of the data. Squeezing does not change the data in the tensor but only modifies its shape. We can achieve that with tf.squeeze.

Example 1:

tensor = tf.constant([[[10], [15], [30]]])
print(f"Tensor:\n{tensor} => shape: {tf.shape(tensor)}")

# squeeze
tensor = tf.squeeze(tensor)
print(f"\nSqueezed: {tensor.numpy()} => New shape: {tf.shape(tensor)}")


Squeezing tensor

Example 2: Specifying the axis if you do not want to remove all size 1 dimensions

tensor3 = tf.constant([[[10]],
print(f"Tensor:\n{tensor3} => shape: {tf.shape(tensor3)}")

# specify the axis(squeeze axis 2)
tensor3 = tf.squeeze(tensor3, axis=[2])
print(f"{tensor3.numpy()} => New shape: {tf.shape(tensor3)}")


Squeezing specified axis

Be aware that you must specify the axis when squeezing a ragged tensor!.

How to add dimensions to tensors(adding dimensions of size 1) with tf.expand_dims

Expanding dimensions involves adding size 1 dimensions to a tensor. That increases the rank of the tensor by one. It is the opposite of squeezing a tensor. Usingtf.expand_dims, we can specify the axis on which to add the dimension.

Expanding dimensions is a common practice, for instance when:

  • Adding an outer "batch" dimension to a tensor, for instance, a tensor of shape(height, width, channels) storing image data.
  • Broadcasting for arithmetic operations with tensors of different shapes.

For example, we can add an outer batch to a tensor:

tensor = tf.constant([10, 20, 30])
print(f"Tensor:\n{tensor} => shape: {tf.shape(tensor)}")

# expand dimensions
tensor_expanded = tf.expand_dims(tensor, axis = [0])
print("Tensor expanded:")
print(f"{tensor_expanded} => shape: {tf.shape(tensor_expanded)}")


Expanding tensor dimensions

Specifying a negative axis will add an innermost dimension:

tensor_expanded = tf.expand_dims(tensor, axis = [-1]) # innermost ndim
print("Tensor expanded(axis=-1):")
print(f"{tensor_expanded} => shape: {tf.shape(tensor_expanded)}")


Expanding tensor on the innermost dimension

How to concatenate tensors with tf.concat

We can join two tensors along a particular dimension. For that to work, the tensors must have a similar number of dimensions and equal dimensions. tf.concat helps us achieve that.


tensor_1 = tf.constant([[1, 2, 3],
                        [4, 5, 6]])
tensor_2 = tf.constant([[7, 8, 9],
                        [10, 11, 12]])
print(f"Tensor 1:\n{tensor_1}")
print(f"Tensor 2:\n{tensor_2}")

# concatenate along axis=0
tensor1_tensor2 = tf.concat([tensor_1, tensor_2], axis=[0])
print("tensor_1 and tensor_2 joined(axis=0):")
print(f"{tensor1_tensor2} => shape: {tf.shape(tensor1_tensor2)}")


Concatenating tensor on axis

Concatenating along axis 1:

# concatenate along axis=1
tensor1_tensor2 = tf.concat([tensor_1, tensor_2], axis=[1])
print("tensor_1 and tensor_2 joined(axis=1):")
print(f"{tensor1_tensor2} => shape: {tf.shape(tensor1_tensor2)}")


Concatenating tensor on axis 1

āœļø Consider exploringtf.stack, and tf.tile as an exercise for this section!

Broadcasting tensors

Broadcasting tensors is a concept very similar toĀ NumPy's broadcastingĀ concept. It allows operations to be performed on tensors of different shapes. The smaller tensor is stretched to match the shape of the larger tensor, enabling seamless elementwise operations.

For instance, if we multiply a tensor by a scalar, the scalar is stretched to match the shape of the tensor:

tensor = tf.constant([5, 10, 15])

#multiply by scalar 5
print(tensor * 5)

''' Results
tf.Tensor([25 50 75], shape=(3,), dtype=int32)
Broadcasting tensor(vector x scalar): Image by author

To understand broadcasting in tensors, we can review NumPy's broadcasting rules but with tensors in mind:

  • Rule 1: If the two tensors vary in their number of dimensions, the shape of the one with lesser dimensions isĀ paddedĀ with ones on its left side.
  • Rule 2: If the shape of the two tensors does not match in any dimension, the tensor with a shape of 1 in that dimension is stretched to match the other shape.
  • Rule 3: If, in any dimension, the sizes differ and neither is 1, an error is raised.

Let's understand the rules with a few examples:

Example 1: Adding a rank two tensor to a rank one tensor:

rank1_t = tf.constant([1, 2 , 3])
rank2_t = tf.constant([[5, 10, 15],
                       [20, 25, 30]])

# shapes
print(f"rank1_t shape: {rank1_t.shape}")
print(f"rank2_t shape: {rank2_t.shape}")

rank1_t shape: (3,)
rank2_t shape: (2, 3)
  • The above tensors have different shapes. By rule 1, rank1_t has fewer dimensions, so it is padded with ones on the left. The new shapes are now: rank1_t shape: (1, 3), and rank2_t shape: (2, 3).
  • Next, we see that the shapes in their first dimensions differ. By rule 2, we stretch rank1_t - since its first dimension is of size 1 - to match the shape of rank2_t. The new shapes are now: rank1_t shape: (1, 3), and rank2_t shape: (2, 3).
  • Since now the shapes match, we can add the two tensors. The shape of the resulting tensor will be (2, 3).
# add
r2_plus_r1 = rank2_t + rank1_t
print(f"r2_plus_r1:\n {r2_plus_r1} => shape{r2_plus_r1.shape}")
Broadcasting(rank 2 tensor + rank 1 tensor)


Broadcasting(rank 2 tensor + rank 1 tensor): Image by author

Example 2: Broadcasting two tensors

t1 = tf.constant([1, 2 , 3, 4])
t2 = tf.constant([[10],
# shapes
print(f"t1 shape: {t1.shape}")
print(f"t2 shape: {t2.shape}")

t1 shape: (4,)
t2 shape: (4, 1)
  • The above tensors have different shapes. By rule 1, t1 has fewer dimensions, so it is padded with ones on the left. The new shapes are now: t1 shape: (1, 4), and t2 shape: (4, 1).
  • Next, we see that their shapes differ. By rule 2, we stretch both to match the shape of the other - since they both have a dimension of size 1. The new shapes are now: t1 shape: (4, 4), and t2 shape: (4, 4).
  • Since now the shapes match, we can multiply the two tensors. The shape of the resulting tensor will be (4, 4).
# multiply
t2_x_t1 = t2 + t1
print(f"{t2_x_t1} => shape{t2_x_t1.shape}")


Broadcasting two tensors


Broadcasting two tensors on multiplication

āœļø There are instances where broadcasting fails. For example, try adding tensors of shape(4, 3) and shape(4) and analyze why they are incompatible while referring to the rules!

Basic mathematical operations with tensors

We can perform various basic mathematical operations on tensors.

Example tensors:

# Example tensors
tensor_a = tf.constant([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
tensor_b = tf.constant([[5, 6], [7, 8]])

print("Tensor A:")
print("Tensor B:")
Example tensors

Adding tensors

Element-wise tensor addition operation.

# Addition
result_addition = tensor_a + tensor_b

print("Addition Result:")
The result of adding two tensors

Subtracting tensors

Element-wise tensor subtraction operation.

# Subtraction
result_subtraction = tensor_a - tensor_b

print("Subtraction Result:")
The result of subtracting two tensors

Multiplying tensors

We can perform element-wise multiplication with tf.multiply or matrix multiplication with tf.matmul.

Element-wise multiplication involves multiplying the corresponding elements of two tensors or matrices. That means that the element on the first row and first column of the resultant tensor is the product of the elements on the first row and first column of the input tensors. The idea is true for other rows and columns of the result. It is the a * b operation in Python but done with tf.multiply.

Matrix multiplication involves finding the dot product of each row of matrix A with each column of matrix B. Each element of the resulting matrix is the sum of the products of the corresponding elements in the selected row of A and column of B. The only requirement for matrix multiplication is that the number of columns in the first matrix must equal the number of rows in the second matrix.

Visualize matrix multiplication here!


# Element-wise multiplication
result_elementwise_multiplication = tf.multiply(tensor_a, tensor_b)

# Matrix multiplication
result_matrix_multiplication = tf.matmul(tensor_a, tensor_b)

print("Element-wise Multiplication Result:")
print("Matrix Multiplication Result:")
Matrix and element-wise multiplication on tensors

Dividing tensors

Element-wise tensor division.

# Element-wise division
result_elementwise_division = tf.divide(tensor_a, tensor_b)

print("Element-wise Division Result:")

Tensor aggregation functions

Aggregation deriving a reduced summary of a tensor's information like its mean, sum, maximum, and minimum value or other statistical measures. In this section, we will look at the following aggregation functions:

  • tf.reduce_sum
  • tf.reduce_mean
  • tf.reduce_min and tf.reduce max.
  • tf.argmax , and tf.argmin
example_t = tf.constant([[5, 10, 15],
                        [20, 25, 30]])


Getting the sum of elements across tensor dimensions with tf.reduce_sum

We can compute the sum of elements across a tensor's axis with tf.reduce_sum:

sum_of_all_elems = tf.reduce_sum(example_t)
sum_axis_0 = tf.reduce_sum(example_t, axis = 0)
sum_axis_1 = tf.reduce_sum(example_t, axis = 1)

print(f"Tensor: \n{example_t.numpy()}")
print("Sum of all elements:", sum_of_all_elems.numpy())
print("Sum on axis 0:", sum_axis_0.numpy())
print("Sum on axis 1:", sum_axis_1.numpy())

Getting the mean of elements across tensor dimensions with tf.reduce_mean

We can compute the sum of elements across a tensor's axis with tf.reduce_mean:

tensor_mean = tf.reduce_mean(example_t)
mean_axis_0 = tf.reduce_mean(example_t, axis = 0)
mean_axis_1 = tf.reduce_mean(example_t, axis = 1)

print(f"Tensor: \n{example_t.numpy()}")
print("Mean of all elements:", tensor_mean.numpy())
print("Mean on axis 0:", mean_axis_0.numpy())
print("Mean on axis 1:", mean_axis_1.numpy())

Getting the minimum and maximum of elements across tensor dimensions with tf.reduce_min and tf.reduce_max

We can compute the minimum and maximum elements across a tensor's axis with tf.reduce_min , and tf.reduce_max.

# Along axis 0
max_axis_0 = tf.reduce_max(example_t, axis=0)
min_axis_0 = tf.reduce_min(example_t, axis=0)

# Along axis 1
max_axis_1 = tf.reduce_max(example_t, axis=1)
min_axis_1 = tf.reduce_min(example_t, axis=1)

print(f"Tensor: \n{example_t.numpy()}")
print("Max axis 0:", max_axis_0.numpy())
print("Min axis 0:", min_axis_0.numpy())
print("Max axis 1:", max_axis_1.numpy())
print("Min axis 1:", min_axis_1.numpy())
tf.reduce_min, and tf.reduce_max

Getting the indices of the smallest and largest element across tensor dimensions with tf.argmin and tf.argmax

We can find the smallest and largest value across a tensor dimension with tf.argmin and tf.argmax.

# Along axis 0
argmax_axis_0 = tf.argmax(example_t, axis=0)
argmin_axis_0 = tf.argmin(example_t, axis=0)

# Along axis 1
argmax_axis_1 = tf.argmax(example_t, axis=1)
argmin_axis_1 = tf.argmin(example_t, axis=1)

print(f"Tensor: \n{example_t.numpy()}")
print("Index of max value axis 0:", argmax_axis_0.numpy())
print("Index of min value axis 0:", argmin_axis_0.numpy())
print("Index of max value axis 1:", argmax_axis_1.numpy())
print("Index of min value axis 1:", argmin_axis_1.numpy())
tf.argmin and tf.argmax

Final thoughts

TensorFlow tensors form the foundation of numerical computation and data representation within the TensorFlow framework. They are versatile data structures that enable efficient handling of multidimensional data, making them essential for machine learning and deep learning tasks.

This article has given you a solid understanding of the basics of creating, manipulating, and aggregating tensors, which is crucial for building robust and effective machine-learning models.

As you delve into the world of TensorFlow, a solid grasp of tensors and their operations will undoubtedly enhance your ability to design and implement sophisticated machine learning algorithms. Keep exploring the extensive capabilities of TensorFlow tensors to unlock the full potential of your data-driven applications.

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