
How to Build Large Language Model Applications with PaLM API and LangChain Members Public

You can now use Generative AI Studio on Vertex AI to prompt, tune and deploy Google's foundational models, including PaLM 2, Imagen, Codey, and Chirp. You can easily design and fine-tune your prompt and copy the code required to deploy the solution. Leveraging a foundational model is a

Derrick Mwiti
Derrick Mwiti

How to Build LLM Applications With LangChain and Openai Members Public

LangChain is an open-source tool for building large language model (LLM) applications. It supports a variety of open-source and closed models, making it easy to create these applications with one tool. Some of the modules in Langchain include: * Models for supported models and integrations * Prompts for making it easy to

Derrick Mwiti
Derrick Mwiti