Derrick Mwiti

Google Developer Expert - Machine Learning

Free data science course Members Public

Join my free data science and machine learning email course with Python. Each day I will share a new lesson and provide code examples and notebooks to help you in your data science journey. The course covers beginner to advanced concepts in data science and machine learning. I will provide

Derrick Mwiti
Derrick Mwiti

Object detection with Vision Transformer for Open-World Localization(OWL-ViT) Members Public

Convolutional neural networks have been the primary networks applied in objection detection. Recently, Transformers have gained popularity in natural language processing and computer vision. In this article, we explore the use of the OWL-ViT in object detection. Let’s get started. What is a Vision Transformer? Transformers have been widely

Derrick Mwiti
Derrick Mwiti

Train ResNet in Flax from scratch(Distributed ResNet training) Members Public

Apart from designing custom CNN architectures, you can use architectures that have already been built. ResNet is one such popular architecture. In most cases, you'll achieve better performance by using such architectures. In this article, you will learn how to perform distributed training of a ResNet model in

Derrick Mwiti
Derrick Mwiti

Handling state in JAX & Flax (BatchNorm and DropOut layers) Members Public

Jitting functions in Flax makes them faster but requires that the functions have no side effects. The fact that jitted functions can't have side effects introduces a challenge when dealing with stateful items such as model parameters and stateful layers such as batch normalization layers. In this article,

Derrick Mwiti
Derrick Mwiti

Transfer learning with JAX & Flax Members Public

Training large neural networks can take days or weeks. Once these networks are trained, you can take advantage of their weights and apply them to new tasks– transfer learning. As a result, you fine-tune a new network and get good results in a short period. Let's look at

Derrick Mwiti
Derrick Mwiti

Flax vs. TensorFlow Members Public

Flax is the neural network library for JAX. TensorFlow is a deep learning library with a large ecosystem of tools and resources. Flax and TensorFlow are similar but different in some ways. For instance, both Flax and TensorFlow can run on XLA. Let's look at the differences between

Derrick Mwiti
Derrick Mwiti

Activation functions in JAX and Flax Members Public

Activation functions are applied in neural networks to ensure that the network outputs the desired result. The activations functions cap the output within a specific range. For instance, when solving a binary classification problem, the outcome should be a number between 0 and 1. This indicates the probability of an

Derrick Mwiti
Derrick Mwiti

Optimizers in JAX and Flax Members Public

Optimizers are applied when training neural networks to reduce the error between the true and predicted values. This optimization is done via gradient descent. Gradient descent adjusts errors in the network through a cost function. In JAX, optimizers are applied from the Optax library. Optimizers can be classified into two

Derrick Mwiti
Derrick Mwiti