Derrick Mwiti

Google Developer Expert - Machine Learning

GPT Instruction Fine-tuning With Keras Members Public

Fine-tuning has become the new training because training large language models (LLMs) from scratch is computationally expensive. It also requires collecting and preparing large datasets which is also time intensive. These resources are only the purview of a few individuals and organizations. Fortunately, there are many open-source LLMs that one

Derrick Mwiti
Derrick Mwiti

How to Detect AI Generated Content With TensorFlow Members Public

With the plethora of open-source language models, it's incredibly difficult to determine if a piece of text is AI generated. However, with a good dataset, you can train a model in TensorFlow to detect if a large language model generated text. It's such an interesting problem

Derrick Mwiti
Derrick Mwiti

Convolutional Neural Networks in JAX: Ultimate Guide Members Public

JAX is a high performance library that offers accelerated computing through XLA and Just In Time Compilation. It also has handy features that enable you to write one codebase that can be applied to batches of data and run on CPU, GPU, or TPU. However, one of its biggest selling

Derrick Mwiti
Derrick Mwiti

Implementing Transformer decoder for text generation in Keras and TensorFlow Members Public

The recent wave of generative language models is the culmination of years of research starting with the seminal "Attention is All You Need" paper. The paper introduced the Transformer architecture that would later be used as the backbone for numerous language models. These text generation language models are

Derrick Mwiti
Derrick Mwiti

Text Classification With BERT and KerasNLP Members Public

BERT is a popular Masked Language Model. Some words are hidden from the model and trained to predict them. The model is bidirectional, meaning it has access to the words to the left and right, making it a good choice for tasks such as text classification. Training BERT can quickly

Derrick Mwiti
Derrick Mwiti

How to Build Large Language Model Applications with PaLM API and LangChain Members Public

You can now use Generative AI Studio on Vertex AI to prompt, tune and deploy Google's foundational models, including PaLM 2, Imagen, Codey, and Chirp. You can easily design and fine-tune your prompt and copy the code required to deploy the solution. Leveraging a foundational model is a

Derrick Mwiti
Derrick Mwiti

How to Perform Image Augmentation With KerasCV Members Public

Training computer vision models with little data can lead to poor model performance. This problem can be solved by generating new data samples from the existing images. For example, you can create new images by flipping and rotating the existing ones. Generating new image samples from existing ones is known

Derrick Mwiti
Derrick Mwiti

How to Build LLM Applications With LangChain and Openai Members Public

LangChain is an open-source tool for building large language model (LLM) applications. It supports a variety of open-source and closed models, making it easy to create these applications with one tool. Some of the modules in Langchain include: * Models for supported models and integrations * Prompts for making it easy to

Derrick Mwiti
Derrick Mwiti