Implementing Fully Convolutional Networks (FCNs) from scratch in Keras and TensorFlow (Build image segmentation model from scratch) Members Public

In 2014, Jonathan Long, Evan Shelhamer, and Trevor Darrell proposed solving image segmentation problems using Fully Convolutional Neural Networks(FCNs). FCNs have no fully connected layers. Image segmentation involves making a prediction for each pixel in an image. FCNs can accept images of any size because they don't

Derrick Mwiti
Derrick Mwiti
Image by author

Entropy, information gain, and Gini impurity(Decision tree splitting criteria) Members Public

Decision trees are supervised machine-learning models used to solve classification and regression problems. They help to make decisions by breaking down a problem with a bunch of if-else-then-like evaluations that result in a tree-like structure. For quality and viable decisions to be made, a decision tree builds itself by splitting

Brian Mutea
Brian Mutea
Data Science
decision trees and random forests featured image

Decision Trees and Random Forests(Building and optimizing decision tree and random forest models) Members Public

In the modern world, so much data is present on the internet. Organizations need efficient and rigorous algorithms to handle these huge chunks of data, make practical analyses, and provide appropriate decisions relevant to maximizing their profits and market presence. There are such algorithms commonly used today for decision-making processes.

Brian Mutea
Brian Mutea
Data Science

How to become a Kaggle Competitions Grandmaster Members Public

writtencast 001 - Shujun He In this inaugural interview of the writtencast, I am joined by Shujun He. Shujun is a P.hD. student at Texas A&M University and a Kaggle Competitions Grandmaster. To become a Kaggle Competitions Grandmaster you need 5 gold medals and at least one

Derrick Mwiti
Derrick Mwiti

Gradio tutorial (Build machine learning applications) Members Public

You have built your optimally performing machine learning model. What next? This tutorial explores the use of Gradio in building machine learning applications. What is Gradio? Gradio is an open-source Python package that allows you to quickly create easy-to-use, customizable UI components for your ML model, any API, or even

Kamanda Wycliffe
Kamanda Wycliffe
Data Science

Free data science course Members Public

Join my free data science and machine learning email course with Python. Each day I will share a new lesson and provide code examples and notebooks to help you in your data science journey. The course covers beginner to advanced concepts in data science and machine learning. I will provide

Derrick Mwiti
Derrick Mwiti

Object detection with Vision Transformer for Open-World Localization(OWL-ViT) Members Public

Convolutional neural networks have been the primary networks applied in objection detection. Recently, Transformers have gained popularity in natural language processing and computer vision. In this article, we explore the use of the OWL-ViT in object detection. Let’s get started. What is a Vision Transformer? Transformers have been widely

Derrick Mwiti
Derrick Mwiti
logistic regression

Logistic regression in Python with Scikit-learn Members Public

In linear regression, we tried to understand the relationship between one or more predictor variables and a continuous response variable. This article will explore logistic regression, where the response variable will be discrete or categorical. What is classification? Classification is a supervised machine learning problem of predicting which category or

Brian Mutea
Brian Mutea
Data Science